Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Thursday 17th of may

Morning all Normal morning this morning, I mucked out and had 5 lots this morning. It was great to ride out, it's lovely riding out at 4am. I never thought I'd say it but it is! I rode a big colt today, he had a neck like a bull....! Nice ride! My last lot was a horse that needed blinkers on, it was his first time wearing them. He accepted them well, worked nicely ! Soon after I finished riding I ran up to the tower to catch mr Moody before he goes into his office. It's a chance for me to talk to him, just the two of us really. It's good. He asked me if there was anything to report back from what I rode, nothing major only one was hanging a little right. The cameras were up the tower this morning, not sure why. But the boss was interviewed. He also had a set of colours, small set of black caviars colours with his signature and Luke's, I took a picture of him holding the colours and he also had caviars shampoo and conditioner! Thought he was going to give them to me.....:-) no chance!! The pictures are on my Facebook. Im going to try and get a picture of black caviar with Peter and Luke's signatures before they all go to England. They will be away for 6 I think. Hope she wins!!:-) Nothing else to report today, rest now till 2pm then evening stables. Swimming time for all the horses! If anyone wants me to ask Peter anything, just comment a question and I'll try n get the answer! Thanx! Cat x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Catrin, really enjoying your blog... well done keep it going. Andrew
