Friday, 3 August 2012


Hello guys- I'm back safe and sound!! I'm very tired! I haven't really slept since Tuesday night! I snoozed for a bit on the plane. I arrived back at 5.15am on the 2nd August and went back to my house to drop my bags off and jumped in the car and drove to Wales!! I couldn't wait to see my family and friends! I wasn't able to sleep much last night either! Hopefully I will tonight! I'm in bridgend at the moment! I'll head home tomorrow to sort my things out before i back to work for the tizzards on Monday!
I've had a great experience over in oz- I wouldn't change a thing about it! I think I've become more independent and Ive seen some of the world and it was great that I could do it with horses!  I've learnt and seen a lot at Moody's!  I'll never forget this trip!
I can remember crying the first weekend in oz, was tired and missing home! But after two weeks I was away- enjoying and learning! Three months went so quick, it would of been great if I could of stayed out there for a year! I didn't really want to come home!! But I'm exited to go back to work for Colin, he's a great man and a great trainer! Hopefully we can beat the record of winners this season! We are getting better each year! I can't wait to see all the new ones he's bought!
Thank you for all your support !
One thing I would really recommend, if your interested in traveling , go to Australia!! It's  a great country! I can see why people  move away and live there! I would love too!